Prof. Jeanette Falck Winther

Prof. Jeanette Falck Winther (KB) is a Consultant in the Survivorship Unit at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center (DCRC) within the Danish Cancer Society (KB). She is head of the Childhood Cancer Research group and Professor at Aarhus University, Faculty of Health.  She participates in large national, Nordic and international studies including the Adult Life after Childhood Cancer in Scandinavia (ALiCCS) research program on late effects.

Jeanette leads development of the study methodology and lead the central data centre for the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention cohort study, as well as coordinates analysis of the study results.

Danish Cancer Society

Dr. Elisabeth Wreford Andersen (KB) is a Senior Statistician at the Unit of Statistics and Pharmacoepidemiology at the Danish Cancer Society, where she is involved in different epidemiological projects mainly within the Survivorship Unit. She has expertise in both research, as well as the pharmaceutical industry, with experience with statistical methods from clinical trials to epidemiology.

Elisabeth will provide statistical expertise and oversee analysis of the study results from the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention cohort study.

Line Frederiksen

Line Elmerdahl Frederiksen is a PhD student within the Childhood Cancer Research Group of Prof. Jeanette Falck Winther at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center. Her research focuses on identifying survivors of childhood cancer at high risk of contracting treatment-induced late effects in a long-term perspective, and for whom an improved follow-up care and early detection of potential health problems can improve the life after childhood cancer.

Line contributes to the development of data collection instruments and has a central role in coordinating and setting up the project database of the PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention.

Luzius Mader

Luzius Mader is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Paediatric Cancer Epidemiology Research Group at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He previously worked as a postdoc at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center. His research focuses on cancer epidemiology and survivorship research, with a particular interest in childhood cancer and its socio-economic consequences for the patients and their families.

Luzius contributed to setting up the data collection and the corresponding project database of the PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention.