Princess Maxima Center
PMC coordinates the PanCareFollowUp project with overall responsibility for the development and assessment of the PanCareFollowUp Care and Lifestyle interventions.
LUND University
ULUND leads the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention cohort study, as well as contributes to the development of clinical guidelines and recommendations.
Istituto Giannina Gaslini
IGG participates in the development of clinical guidelines and recommendations and runs the Italian clinical site.
International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno
ICRC participates in the development of clinical guidelines and recommendations and runs the Czech clinical site of the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention cohort study.
KU Leuven
KU Leuven participates in the development of clinical guidelines and recommendations and runs the Belgian clinical site of the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention cohort study.
Danish Cancer Society
KB leads development of the study methodology and lead the central data centre for the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention cohort study, as well as coordinates analysis of the study results.
University of Lucerne
UNILU leads the health economic evaluation of the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention and contributec to the development of clinical guidelines and recommendations.
RUMC contribute their expertise in personalised, multidisciplinary shared care and implementation research in oncology and quality of care.
Newcastle University
UNEW leads the development of clinical guidelines and recommendations for implementation in the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention
SIOP Europe
SIOP-E leads on the extension and implementation of the Survivorship Passport in the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention.
Netherlands institute for health services research
NIVEL leads the development of the study protocol for the PanCareFollowUp Care intervention cohort study.
CCI Europe
CCI Europe oversees the involvement of survivors across all activities of the project, from contributions to the intervention development to assessment to replication planning.
PanCare will leverage its extensive network of healthcare professionals, researchers, survivors and families
PT provides administrative support to the Coordinator and all partners, ensuring the project runs smoothly and delivers all planned activities on time.