PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention Replication Manual Live
We're delighted to share that the Replication Manual for the Care intervention is now [...]
PLAIN Summaries Now on the PanCare website
PLAIN summaries are now available on the PanCare website! The PanCare PLAIN language summaries [...]
Lifestyle Intervention Presentation at PMC
Dr. Saskia Pluijm (PMC) presented 'Short overview of the importance of a healthy lifestyle [...]
DG-RTD Young Cancer Survivor Workshop
Dr. Rod Skinner (UNEW) and Dr. Riccardo Haupt (IGG) attended the Young Cancer Survivor [...]
Symposium in Nijmegen
As part of the retirement symposium of Dr. Jacqueline Loonen (RUMC), Eline Bouwman presented [...]
Eline Bouwman of RUMC shared results from the project with the DCCSS-LATER Meeting [...]