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About pcfu_admin

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So far pcfu_admin has created 80 blog entries.

SIOP Asia XV Conference


PanCareFollowUp was well represented at the SIOP Asia XV Conference (Armenia, 18-21 May 2023) at the Survivorship Symposium in Getahovit, Tavush. Prof. Lars Hjorth of ULUND co-chaired the session and presented 'The history of late effects', Prof. Roderick Skinner of UNEW presented PanCareFollowUp's work on guidelines in a his presentation 'Guidelines for long-term follow-up care [...]

SIOP Asia XV Conference2023-09-05T12:09:43+01:00

SIOP Europe – CCI Europe Conference 2023


At the 2023 annual joint meeting of SIOP Europe and CCI Europe in Valencia (10 - 12 May 2023), PanCareFollowUp was on display at the CCI Europe booth. CCI Europe and SIOP Europe are project partners in PanCareFollowUp, providing the survivor and healthcare professional perspectives for all project activities. Their inputs as key European stakeholder [...]

SIOP Europe – CCI Europe Conference 20232023-12-04T14:43:14+00:00

Master Course in Pediatric Oncology at the Princess Máxima Center


Sharing project results with healthcare professionals is an important part of PanCareFollowUp. PMC's Ismay de Beijer and Selina van den Oever presented European guidelines and the SurPass at a Master's course in Pediatric Oncology at the Princess Máxima Center held from 20 - 21 April 2023. Sharing project results with healthcare [...]

Master Course in Pediatric Oncology at the Princess Máxima Center2023-02-16T20:35:22+00:00

New PanCareFollowUp Publications


We're pleased to announce that two new PanCareFollowUp papers have now been published! Evaluating the feasibility, effectiveness and costs of implementing person-centred follow-up care for childhood cancer survivors in four European countries: the PanCareFollowUp Care prospective cohort study protocol was published in BMJ Open (BMJ Open 2022;12:e063134) and Healthcare professionals’ perceived barriers and facilitators of health [...]

New PanCareFollowUp Publications2023-06-12T16:04:19+01:00

Recruitment Completed to Care Intervention Study!


Great news - the recruitment and inclusion of patients in the PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention Study is completed! The PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention is a tool developed in the project to follow up Childhood Cancer Survivors with a focus of person-centered care. The goal of 800 participants was met with a final number of 797 participants. We [...]

Recruitment Completed to Care Intervention Study!2022-12-06T11:46:26+00:00

PanCare Autumn 2022 Meeting


The 28th PanCare meeting was held from 12 – 14 October 2022 in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting offered an interactive programme with interesting presentations on various aspects of long-term follow-up and survivorship care, as well as widening collaboration (twinning, transition of care, support organisations). Before the main meeting, there were also sessions for the 5th [...]

PanCare Autumn 2022 Meeting2023-12-21T16:46:52+00:00

SIOP 2022


The 54th Annual Congress of International Society of Paediatric Oncology was held in a hybrid format in Barcelona after two years of virtual meetings. It was great to see a return to in person interactions for so many! On the 28th of September, Dr Riccardo Haupt (IGG) presented 'The European PanCareFollowUp Survivorship Care Model: the [...]

SIOP 20222023-06-12T16:03:49+01:00

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2022


Did you know September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month? This month is particularly important for our stakeholder organisations CCI Europe and SIOP Europe, whose activities encompass all aspects of childhood cancer from diagnosis to survivorship. Keep an eye on their social media campaigns to learn more about what [...]

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 20222022-09-14T13:43:49+01:00
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