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So far pcfu_admin has created 80 blog entries.

PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention Replication Manual Live


We're delighted to share that the Replication Manual for the Care intervention is now live on the PanCare website! This Replication Manual was developed to support the wider use of the PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention across Europe. Anyone interested in further support using the Care intervention can also contact PanCare (  

PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention Replication Manual Live2024-04-26T16:04:31+01:00

PLAIN Summaries Now on the PanCare website


PLAIN summaries are now available on the PanCare website! The PanCare PLAIN language summaries have information about late effects and recommendations for long-term follow-up care for survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer (called survivors). These summaries contain information about health problems for survivors, as well as their non-specialist healthcare providers, relatives and friends. [...]

PLAIN Summaries Now on the PanCare website2024-01-08T14:08:31+00:00

Lifestyle Intervention Presentation at PMC


Dr. Saskia Pluijm (PMC) presented 'Short overview of the importance of a healthy lifestyle for survivors of childhood cancer and design of the PanvareFollowUp Lifestyle intervention' to quality of life researchers, caregivers and survivors at the Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology in the Netherlands.

Lifestyle Intervention Presentation at PMC2023-12-21T16:50:49+00:00

DG-RTD Young Cancer Survivor Workshop


Dr. Rod Skinner (UNEW) and Dr. Riccardo Haupt (IGG) attended the Young Cancer Survivor Workshop organised by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG-RTD) on 15 December 2023 in Brussels. Representatives of pan-European organisations involved in PanCareFollowUp (CCI Europe, SIOP Europe and PanCare) met with EU policy officers from DG SANTÉ, DG [...]

DG-RTD Young Cancer Survivor Workshop2024-01-08T14:23:10+00:00

Symposium in Nijmegen


As part of the retirement symposium of Dr. Jacqueline Loonen (RUMC), Eline Bouwman presented the PanCareFollowUp eHealth Lifestyle intervention for childhood cancer survivors. For her work, Dr. Loonen has been apppointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau. Congratulations! You can read more about the event and career of Dr. Loonen in Dutch here. Dr. Jacqueline [...]

Symposium in Nijmegen2023-12-04T14:08:14+00:00



Eline Bouwman of RUMC shared results from the project with the DCCSS-LATER Meeting on 21 Nov 2023 in her presentation 'The PanCareFollowUp eHealth Lifestyle intervention: results from the process evaluation'. Results will be shared on our Publications page, once publicly available. Background of the study is below. The Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor Study [...]

DCCSS-LATER Meeting2023-12-04T14:22:58+00:00

Menarini Conference Round-up – Pediatrics and Child Health


Marleen Renard of KU Leuven presented 'Child in transition: pediatric oncology' at the Menarini conference: Round-up: Pediatrics and Child Health in Mechelen, Belgium on 17 Nov 2023. KU Leuven participated in the PanCareFollowUp Care study recruiting participants from the late effects clinic in Leuven.

Menarini Conference Round-up – Pediatrics and Child Health2023-12-04T14:52:32+00:00

Horizon Interview


PanCareFollowUp's Coordinator Prof. Leontien Kremer was interviewed by Horizon, The EU Research and Innovation Magazine, about PanCareFollowUp and survivorship care. You can read the full interview here.

Horizon Interview2023-10-13T11:27:47+01:00

PanCare Autumn 2023 Meeting


The 29th PanCare meeting (20 - 22 September 2023) was hosted in Ghent by Els Vandecruys (Pediatric Hemato-Oncologist) and Lieselotte Wauters (Nurse Consultant) of the Department of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology of the Ghent University Hospital with the support of the vzw Kinderkankerfonds. The meeting featured an interactive program with presentations on various aspects of long term [...]

PanCare Autumn 2023 Meeting2023-10-20T14:47:23+01:00

European Network of Youth Cancer Survivors


PanCareFollowUp was one of the projects presented at the European Network of Youth Cancer Survivors ( Peer Visit in Vienna on 07 July 2023. Coordinated by CCI Europe, a project partner in PanCareFollowUp, the European Network of Youth Cancer Survivors (EU-CAYAS-NET) is a project, co-funded by the European Commission, which unites leading organisations from 18 [...]

European Network of Youth Cancer Survivors2023-12-04T14:31:49+00:00
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